Aimerance Nsangu

Capstone Title
The Classroom
Description of Capstone Project
Throughout my four years at Ryerson studying fashion communication, I found it hard as a student as well as a commuter to find time to exercise as well as eat healthy. When I did find the time to incorporate healthy meals and exercise, I found it to help with my focus in school. That is why for my capstone I was inspired to create something that utilizes the skills I’ve developed as a fashion communication student and creating something that can help students like myself find joy and ease in maintaining a healthy lifestyle while in school. My capstone looks into the idea of health effecting one’s education, may it be physical or mental health. This is my attempt at communicating this issue through the best form of communication for this generation; through technology. “The Classroom” is an interactive app that looks into promoting healthy eating habits as well as fitness targeted specifically for post-secondary students. Features will include scheduling to fit the user’s lifestyle, in-app purchases of branded items, tips and tricks such as balancing student life with a healthy lifestyle. The entire purpose is to encourage post-secondary students to live a balanced lifestyle as well as build a community.